WPF skin engine – part 2

This is a follow-up post to the previous one about the Skinner library. In this post I want to focus on a few technical peculiarities of the library and explain why certain things were done the way they were done. »

on WPF

WPF skin engine – part 1

<strong>NOTE: The information presented in this post is outdated. It does describes the problem the library tries to solve but the approach in which this is done has changed. For the current library description please visit WPF skin engine - revisited.</strong> »

on WPF

‘ProjectTypeGuids’ node in VS project files

I wanted to create a WPF resource dictionary and put it in a separate assembly for a certain purpose. I started up by creating a regular class library and was about to add a new item to it when I was puzzled &#x2013; I couldn&#x2019;t find a proper template anywhere in the UI the Visual Studio provided to me. »

SQL Server ‘Auto Close’ and ‘Auto Shrink’ properties

One day I got really annoyed by my laptop performing sluggishly. It was strange and annoying and wasn&#x2019;t fun and I had no idea what was causing it. I have a lot of stuff installed for my development needs but no shitware and other pop-up-tray-assistance-wizards. And I have SQL Server Express that I use as a repository for Vault and »

SQL ‘IN’ clause when using Linq to Entities (use it the right way!)

We all know what &#x2018;IN&#x2019; clause is about &#x2013; we want records where a field value matches one of the specified variants. Let&#x2019;s imagine the following model although it may seem artificial at first but it actually reflects a situation you can find in a goods tracking software: »

on SQL

Reading ad-hoc JSON string in .NET

If you&#x2019;re a web developer you&#x2019;re probably familiar with <code>System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer</code> that&apos;s heavily used by ASP.NET AJAX framework and of course you can use it to convert managed objects to JSON so it can be consumed by JavaScript. »

Uploading a file over HTTP in .NET

You program a client that needs to upload a file to the server. What are the options? You should probably look into <code>System.Net</code> namespace where you can either program at <code>WebRequest/WebResponse</code> level or make use of one of the convenient methods on the <code>WebClient</code> class. »

on .NET

Single instance of a WPF app – part 5 (Remoting)

When I blogged about a WCF solution some time ago I mentioned another option to implement this feature by using a fast Remoting channel. That sprang up in my mind again and I decided to give it a try. As a result I got a very neat and fast solution. Interested? Read on! »

on WPF

Configuring throttling on external lists in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint Server 2010 includes a great feature called Business Connectivity Services that allows to consume data from external sources and present it as SharePoint lists. You can consume data from databases, web (WCF and not only) services and even from the custom BDC entity services (which is just custom .NET code that you can develop and deploy into SharePoint). Being »