Play nice with LAV filters when rendering DVD

If you’ve used Power Video Player you probably know that current version relies on 3rd party decoders that are present on user’s system. These decoders are actually DirectShow filters and PVP’s ability to render certain types of content depends on what exact filters users have registered on their system. But mere presence of filters doesn’t guarantee they will be used »

WPF skin engine (aka Skinner) updated to 1.1

The initial release of the Skinner (you can read up the details here) put a lot of effort into securing your application from loading malicious code into your main domain in full trust. It required assemblies that contained skins (in the form of BAML or just references through <code>SkinDescription</code> attributes) and all assemblies that are referenced by them (through merge »

on WPF

PVP 2.0 has been released

It&#x2019;s been quite a while since I&#x2019;d planned to port PVP to WPF and in the end I&#x2019;m happy to announce it has actually happened. Version 2.0 is available as always at CodePlex as an MSI distributable package as well as source code. »

JVM 6 and Minsk time zone

I lost some time today&#x2026; No, I&#x2019;ve lost shit load of time today figuring out why my fresh installation of TeamCity doesn&#x2019;t respect the time zone setting on my server. The server is configured for my local time zone (Minsk) as any other machine in our network but TeamCity kept insisting that the server time zone was America/Caracas (eek!). Well »

Removing source control dependencies from Visual Studio project files

Why? Visual Studio has been providing an API that allowed 3rd party source control tools to build their SCC providers in order to integrate with it and give users a possibility to work with those tools right from IDE. It turns out to be pretty convenient especially when you and your peers use the same source control system. You can »

Rendering video content in WPF using a custom EVR presenter and D3DImage

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Note:</span> if you&#x2019;re not interested in low level control on your DirectShow graph and don&#x2019;t need to render DVD content, just stick to <code>MediaElement</code> or <code>VideoDrawing+MediaPlayer</code>. This post is about how to render video yourself in your own filter graph. »

Efficient way to position windows in WPF

Imagine you have created a custom template for your window and disabled standard chrome. If you want to maximize your window you can&#x2019;t just set its WindowState to Maximized because it will move over the taskbar. Instead, you will have to position it so its top left corner is at 0,0 and its bottom right corner is at SystemParameters.WorkArea&#x2019;s Height »

on WPF

What if you need to run a plug-in in full trust?

In my initial scratch of the Skinner I unwillingly ignored the security issues and the resulting code is only going to work in a full trust environment. There are few things that raise a security concern: »

on .NET